Access Machinery Inc. has become a member of the Canadian Machine Tool Distributors Association

Founded in 1942, the CMTDA is a trade association dedicated to the marketing of machine tools and services in Canada throughout distributorship companies. This organization implies a thorough and expert process of consideration and admission based on the technical competence, financial responsibility, marketing know-how and adherence to the principals of ethical service of the applicants.

As the new member of CMTDA, Access Machinery’s aims and objectives will be:

  1.  To promote friendly business relations with manufacturers, vendors and customers.
  2.  To stimulate growth in the use of machine tools and to secure wider markets for these tools.
  3.  To help industry to render better service to users of machine tools.
  4.  To advertise the industry and the specific advantages attainable through the use of machine tools.
  5.  To make available information which will assist users and prospective users to obtain properly selected machine tools.
  6.  To collect and submit statistics on market capacity and other pertinent information.
  7.  To exchange information among the members for the purpose of reducing distribution costs and eliminating waste and duplication of efforts.
  8.  To participate in the CMTDA’s discussions with the government, if need be, tariff problems and all other problems relating to machine tools desirable to deal with as industry matters.
  9. To participate in the Annual General Meeting and Spring Conference for members to discuss problems affecting the industry and to formulate positive plans to stimulate growth in the use of machine tools.

It’s a big honour and responsibility for Access Machinery to become part of such an important industrial association in Canada, and as a company we will do our best to maintain its high standards.

Please check our website – – and visit us at the coming trade shows – WMTS (Edmonton, AB, June 4-6, 2019) and CMTS (Toronto, September 30 – October 03, 2019).